Dr Sweksha's

Skin Resurfacing

Skin Resurfacing

Skin Resurfacing is one of the most popular anti-ageing treatment modalities available today.
Skin Resurfacing using energy-based devices such as Lasers reduces fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, blemishes, sun tan and dull skin as it exfoliates the superficial layers of the skin with precision. The new skin cells that form during the process of healing restores youthfulness of the skin with a tighter, younger and vibrant look. The procedure is done using lasers or chemical peels depending on the severity of damage and desired treatment outcome by the patient.
Laser Skin Resurfacing, popularly known as Laser Toning helps improve skin texture and appearance. The laser beam targets the outer layers of the skin while at the same time  heating the lower layers of the dermis. This promotes new collagen formation which gradually improves texture of the skin.
Skin Resurfacing using a Chemical Peel is yet another treatment modality available in which a gel-based peel is applied over skin which exfoliates the outer dead layers of the skin and helps improve fine lines, uneven skin tone, colour and texture, and is popularly known as skin or facial rejuvenation.